The area of sports law includes that; the rights and obligations of athletes, the structure of sports organizations and their activities and relations between them, the actions of who manage the sporting life (espically coaches), responsibility of the management,  responsibilities for real and legal persons in the sports, fairplay in sports and judicial body existence about sports and dispute solutions in sports.

As Ülken Law  Firm, in sports law;

  • Representation of athletes and clubs in their sport branches against to the arbitration authorities and disciplinary committees,
  • Preparation, review and negotiation of sponsorship agreements, contracts between the athlete and the club, tournament organization agreements and other agreements about sports,
  • Preparation of the regulations and articles of association for which companies and associations are involved in sports activities,
  • Legal support in national and international tournaments,
  • Solving the tax problems of athletes and clubs in legal ways,
  • Protection of the personal rights of athletes in the printed, visual and digital media,
  • Responsibility of athletes and clubs against unfair acts to happen on and off the field,
  • Following of the work of athletes in public institutions,
  • The setup of sports clubs,

We provide advocacy and consultancy services about the topics which are mentioned.